Britmindo Gallery

New Export Regulations: The Re-Emergence of Resource Nationalism?

By: Hadiputranto, Hadinoto & Partners ( Headlines Under regulations issued on 11 January 2017: Exports of certain amounts of mineral concentrates may continue for a further five years, with permission for exports monitored at least every six months and tied closely to the progress of physical construction of domestic processing and refining facilities. Contract of […]
The Continuing Evolution of Indonesia’s Mining Law

At a glance: Indonesia’s draft Mining Law: Stipulates that COWs/CCOWs will be replaced with IUPKs, within one year of the law being passed Seems to introduce a greater degree of flexibility with regard to the obligation to refine ore/coal Seeks to introduce tax incentives for mining companies carrying out processing/refining activities. Relaxes foreign ownership restrictions, so […]
Britmindo Group and Associates present “Mining in a Day”

The Britmindo Group together with PT Danmar Explorindo, PT Geo Search, QCC Resources and Dassault Systemes-Geovia held a seminar for the first time on Sept 1st, 2015 at the Novotel Hotel Balikpapan. Over 100 participants attended the “Mining in a Day” seminar that covered topics such as Drilling & Exploration, Coal Analysis and Processing, JORC 2012 […]
Britmindo Group of Companies announces new “Head of Technical Services Division”

Following the untimely passing of the Britmindo Company Founder, Mr Alan Nye, the Britmindo Group has undergone a restructure of the Technical Services Division. The previous Directors of the Britmindo Group Technical Services Division, Mr Achmad Hawadi and Mr Terrence Gray, have left the Britmindo Group to pursue further career opportunities. The Britmindo Group continues […]
Coal Exploration and Geostatistics

Article written by Mr Grant van Heerden, Director and Principal Consultant of Britmindo Australia Pty Ltd. Coal exploration typically starts with field reconnaissance surveys and outcrop mapping. This is regularly followed up with some form of aerial survey, particularly a topographic survey. The popular topographic survey method is airborne, most commonly adopting the LiDAR (laser) […]
Mining Reclamation and PT. Britmindo Jasa Utama Commitment

By Stephen Nye – President Director, PT. Britmindo Jasa Utama (BJU) Mining reclamation in Indonesia has been long overlooked despite the governments pressure on mining companies to ensure mine rehabilitation as a compulsory requirement on all mining operations no matter how big or small. The Government in one of its latest schemes to reduce environmental […]
PT. Britmindo Jasa Utama Coal Production Increases

By Stephen Nye – President Director, PT. Britmindo Jasa Utama PT. Britmindo Jasa Utama (BJU) during November recorded its largest single monthly coal production under management. BJU is presently managing five (5) operational sites, two (2) of which only commenced coal production within the last couple of months.Our mine management sites are located in East […]
Australian Guidelines for the estimation and classification of Coal Resources 2014 Edition

Australian Guidelines for the estimation and classification of Coal Resources 2014 EditionNew Australian Guidelines for the estimation and classification of Coal Resources 2014 Edition have now been published by the Coalfields Geology Council of New South Wales and the Queensland Resources Council following an extensive process of reviewing the former 2003 Guidelines. The new 2014 edition of […]